The Lords of America: The Sons of the Sun

"Come to be born with me, brother" Heights of Macchu Picchu - Pablo Neruda

From Colombia to Tierra del Fuego, the Andes mountains stand tall and strong, like the backbone of South America. Around 800 year ago (in the year 1200), te taipicala people were running away form attacks from their enemies, and reached the a fertile valley with a swamp at the center. There, they built a great city: it was named Cuzco. For more than two hundred years the city grew and conquered the lands around it, until it was a great Kingdom.

Then, the Sapa Inca (the Only Lord) decided that his army should follow the mountains, so his kingdom could grow even more. North and South and East of the Andes the Incas marched, convincing the other people of the Andes to become part of the emnpire, or finghting them and conquering them.

It grew so big, they divided the kingdom in four pieces, and called it the Land of Four Region, the Empire of the Lords

This was Tawantinsuyu, the empire of the Inca

Map of the four regions of Tawantinsuyu

Here are many links to websites with information on the different aspects of the Inca civilisation

Timeline of the history of the Inca empire

History of the Inca Empire

Video time!
