Art comes in all shapes and forms

Art can be whatever you imagine!
They can be grouped (classiffied) according to their purpose

Let's read a little bit about each kind...

Visual Arts are all arts that are meant to be appreciated mainly with our eyes. They are generally objects that stand still for us to observe and contemplate. Sometimes we can use more than just our eyes to observe them, sometimes they don't stand completely still, but we always get to see them only after the artist (or artists) have finished making the artwork. The visual artists express their feelings by showing a picture of some kind, be it in a 2D or 3D image, and they present it (if they want) to the public only when it is complete.
Some examples are:

Performing Arts are all those arts that are presented in front of a live audience, and depend on the interaction between the artist and the audience to be completed. In performing arts, the artists use their bodies, their voices and a variety of objects as means to express their feelings, beliefs and/or culture. Technology had made it so that we can appreciate these performances after they happen, in video and audio, but they were always presented to an audience to begin with.
Some examples are:

Applied Arts are all those types of arts where the resulting piece of art is meant to have some use in a person's daily life. These artworks are also useful, and therefore have at least 3 functions: (1) express the artist's feelings, thoughts and/or beliefs, (2) captivate the audience's attention, and (3) satisfy some necessity in a person's life.
Some examples are:

In this video, they name and describe some more examples of the three categories:
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